Tuesday, July 4, 2006

I live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by CORN!

Sorry I haven't updated this thing in so long. I just moved and finally after like three weeks, got my internet hooked up. So.... anyway, I moved to Omaha, Nebraska.... Don't ask me why, because I don't know. I work at Union Pacific Railroad, they're a huge company and have awesome benefits and opportunities and whatnot, but they happened to be located in the middle of the midwest, which means no water (lakes, rivers, not even ponds...), and it also means that once you leave the city all you see is corn fields. I'm still trying to figure out what people do for fun here, especially since it gets sooo hot (like 100) and there is no source of water except for the missouri river which is a big pile of muck! Oh, and the best part, I haven't made any friends yet. I know that sounds lame, but it sucks. I moved out here by myself and don't know a single person. I know the 20 people I work with in my department at work but they're all married with families, so thats no fun. It's not as easy as school where you are forced to socialize with people. And it sucks going to a baseball game yourself or doing anything remotely fun by yourself. So I've resorted to hanging out by the pool in my apartment complex in hopes that someone might talk to me, but the only people there are screaming babies and their parents, or really shady guys. What do I do? I need some advice, I've been here about three weeks and I can only clean and organize my apartment so many times before I start to get stir crazy. Luckily my boyfriend will be moving out here in a couple of weeks but he'll still be an hour away. Atleast we can visit on the weekend I guess. But if anyone has been in my situation and has any advice I'd really appreciate it. Its 4th of July and I'm in my apartment watching tv, how lame is that! Help! I love you guys!


alanna rose said...

Have you found a Church out there? When I first moved to OH I didn't know a soul, except for Jocko, but I met some people at Church and got involved in a few activities there. It's also very okay to have friends who are a little bit older than you, my best friend here in Indy is about 10 years older than me and has 2 kids - she sort of plays the big sister role, and I adore the kiddos. I'll do some brainstorming for you - Good Luck!

alanna rose said...

Oh - have you checked to see if there is an alum club or junior circle in the area? I made friends in Indy and OH through Alph Gams.

Katie said...

What about volunteer groups, like the humane society...you LOVE walking dogs! Or, theres stuff like ToastMasters, which works on public speaking and I've heard its a good time. Good Luck in Omaha...I hope its cooler than Peoria! Any plans for a weekend trip up this fall, perhaps to formal??? :)

Crystal said...

Hey Amanda, I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time. I had the same problem when I moved to Madison. I think Alanna and Katie's suggestions should help.

Maria said...

Bradey Jump lives in Omaha.... He's been there for almost a year now.. You should try contacting him. Let me know if you want his contact info!....

alanna rose said...

How are things going?